Electric Folding Bike - Sharper Image - Cycle Force Group, LLC On Sale
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Electric Folding Bike - Sharper Image - Cycle Force Group, LLC Overview
Electric Folding Bike - It's the perfect go anywhere urban commuter - the e-Bike. This long-range portable electric bicycle will carry you up to 20 miles at an effortless 20 miles per hour. This innovative electric bike folds down small enough that you can take it anywhere. Go ahead, carry this eco-friendly bike on the subway or bus. Or toss it in the trunk of your car. The simple pull-up folding design makes it easy to unfold and glide through the streets when you get to your destination. Great for navigating city streets or college campuses, with the e-Bike you'll arrive fresh. Hey, if you want some exercise you can always turn off the electric motor and pedal, then switch the electric bike back on when you need a break. This electric folding bike is so exhilarating you'll forget you're protecting the planet! if (typeof(lpMTagConfig.dynButton)!="undefined") lpMTagConfig.dynButton[lpMTagConfig.dynButton.length] = {'name':"chat-SharperImage-english",'pid':'SharperImageButton-01'}; From the Sharper Image
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 08, 2011 01:10:04